
Self-Starting Wizards

Hire top creative XR engineers


Self-Starting Wizards

Hire top creative XR engineers

Where magic meets technology

At The Coven we playfully use the term Wizard to refer to software engineers adept at using their unique combination of technical skills, creativity, user empathy, and an understanding of illusion to create magical experiences. By “magical,” we mean experiences that captivate our senses and take us on emotional journeys.

  • Wizards are self-directed, have a wide range of interests, and have the special ability to alternate between big-picture conceptual thinking and detail-oriented execution. They are humble and confident, self-starting and collaborative, analytical and sensitive.

    While Wizards are not limited by their arsenal, they do have tools of preference: game engines like Unity 3D, 3D modeling/animation software like Maya, programming languages like C#, low level frameworks like OpenGL, shader languages like Cg and mobile frameworks like ARKit.

    Most of our Wizards have acquired their mastery working on video games, VR simulations, AR applications, and/or visual effects.

A marketplace of wizards

By matching individuals from our extensive network of Wizards to high impact XR projects, we strive to become a major catalyst for the creation of magic in the metaverse.

The Coven handles searching, vetting, and hiring so our clients can benefit from quick turnarounds on headache-free formation of temporary or temp-to-perm teams.


Meta - a case study

A Case Study

Prototyping New XR Experiences at Meta

Meta - a case study

A Case Study

Prototyping New XR Experiences at Meta

Wizards at the forefront of the metaverse

For the past four years, The Coven has been a go-to supplier of XR talent for Meta, formerly known as Facebook. Our team of wizards, as we fondly call our talented XR engineers, have been instrumental in leading the prototyping of new, immersive experiences for one of the biggest tech companies in the world.

  • Our engineers have not just been working behind the scenes but have been at the forefront of creating and showcasing innovative demos for Meta's executives. These demonstrations, crucial in displaying the potential of XR technology, have been instrumental in informing strategic decisions within the company.

    Through our staffing services, Meta was able to rapidly and effectively advance their XR capabilities. Our specialists dove headfirst into challenging projects, bringing to life experiences that were once only imagined. 

    This partnership highlights The Coven's capability in staffing top-tier talent for complex, high-stakes projects in the rapidly evolving field of XR technology. We are proud to have contributed to Meta's groundbreaking work and are ready to provide the same level of expertise and talent to other companies looking to explore the unlimited possibilities of XR.


Our Story

Magic is in our DNA

Our Story

Magic is in our DNA

Some magic only happens when wizards come together

Once upon a time in the realm of CGI and immersive experiences, there lived a wizard named Eddy. Eddy had a knack for conjuring magical experiences, yet he was faced with a challenge that his magic alone couldn't surmount.

Being a seasoned wizard, Eddy knew he didn't have to face this challenge alone. He reached out to other wizards, weaving together a tapestry of diverse skills and creativity. As they worked together, Eddy realized the magic they created as a group far surpassed anything he could have crafted on his own.

  • Eddy found immense fulfillment in this collaborative magic, so much so that he decided to channel his energy into a new venture. Thus, The Coven was born, a unique meeting ground for wizards, dedicated to staffing cutting-edge XR projects with the industry's finest.

    Today, Eddy takes immense pride in the caliber of teams he has assembled through The Coven. He has witnessed firsthand how their combined wizardry has been instrumental in driving high-impact projects to fruition.

    The Coven continues to champion the power of collective magic, proving that when wizards come together, there's no limit to the enchanting experiences they can create. Come, join us on this magical journey, and let's create magic together.


Past and present clients

Conquering Battles

A statement of our success.

Past and present clients

Conquering Battles

A statement of our success.


While The Coven is a new brand, it is an evolution of Eddy’s software consulting business, SnapShop. Eddy’s past work relationships have been instrumental in The Coven’s successful launch.



With over 15 years of experience as a software consultant, Eddy has garnered immense appreciation from his clients. Here are some of the testimonials they've shared about their collaboration with him: